Hungarian Motorway Sticker Types 2024

2024. 04. 11. 11:39

Every journey requires preparation, whether it's by air or by road. When traveling by car, especially if crossing multiple countries, it's worth getting informed before departure to see if there are toll roads in the destination country, and plan the trip accordingly to avoid roadworks. 


Hungarian motorway vignettes

When traveling to or through Hungary, it's good to know that most of the Hungarian motorways are toll roads. The fee can be paid by purchasing an electronic motorway vignette, so we've gathered all the important information about the stickers to make the choice simple! 


Hungarian Motorway Sticker Prices and Types 

E-vignette price category National County
Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly Yearly
D1 5 150 Ft  6 400 Ft  10 360 Ft  57 260 Ft  6 660 Ft 
D1m 2 570 Ft 3 200 Ft  5 180 Ft  57 260 Ft  6 660 Ft 
D2 7 310 Ft  9 310 Ft  14 670 Ft  81 280 Ft  13 330 Ft 
U 5 150 Ft  6 400 Ft  10 360 Ft  57 260 Ft  6 660 Ft 


Daily (1-day) motorway vignette 

Hungary has also introduced the latest 1-day motorway vignette, complying with EU regulations. The daily sticker is valid for all paid sections of roads in Hungary on the day of purchase from the moment of purchase until midnight. If purchased in advance, it is valid from midnight to midnight on the specified day. 

When is it worth it? 

  • If we're just passing through Hungary within one calendar day. 
  • If our trip lasts more than 10 days, as there's no need to buy 2 pieces of 10-day vignettes, but rather 2 pieces of 1-day sticker. This way, we only pay for using the motorway when we actually use it. 
  • If we accidentally enter a toll road and purchase the sticker within 60 minutes, we avoid fines. 


Weekly (10-day) motorway vignette

The Hungarian 10-day motorway vignette also grants road usage rights on all paid sections of roads in Hungary for the 10 consecutive calendar days specified by the purchaser, up to 24 hours of the 10th day. 

When is it worth it? 

  • If we're traveling through or to Hungary and our stay does not exceed 10 consecutive days. 
  • If we plan domestic travel lasting longer than one calendar day. 
  • If we accidentally enter a toll road and purchase the sticker within 60 minutes, we avoid fines. 


Monthly and combined-monthly motorway stickers 

Monthly vignettes are valid for all paid sections of roads in Hungary from the starting day specified by the purchaser until the same day of the following month, up to 24 hours of the last day of the month. Combined-monthly vignettes can be a cost-effective solution, as they provide additional usage rights beyond the monthly entitlements, up to +4-6 days.  

When is it worth it? 

  • If we're staying in Hungary for several weeks and travel a lot on the motorways. 
  • If we want to use the motorways multiple times in a given month. 
  • If we're traveling to or through Hungary, but more than 10 days pass between the two trips. 


County motorway vignette

Unlike other stickers, the county vignette has territorial limits, as its validity is only within the county we purchase it for and up to the first junction towards the neighboring counties. Its advantage is that it can be purchased at a favorable price compared to other vignettes, and it's valid until January 31 of the following year, allowing up to 13 months of travel for as little as 6,660 HUF. 

When is it worth it? 

  1. If we only regularly use toll roads in a few counties throughout the year. 
  2. If we're traveling to Hungary and won't use toll roads in more than one or two counties. 


National motorway vignette

Valid until January 31 of the following year, the national vignette allows travel on all paid sections of roads in Hungary for up to 13 months if purchased in advance or in January. 

When is it worth it? 

  • If we regularly travel across Hungary throughout the year. 
  • From a cost optimization perspective: if we would purchase 10-day or monthly stickers multiple times throughout the year, the total cost could exceed 30,000-40,000 HUF, so the annual sticker is a better deal. 


Hungarian motorway vignette online 

The advantage of e-vignette is that they can be easily purchased on the hungary-vignette.euwebsite for any date of our choice even before our journey, ensuring we won't forget to get one. 

Hungarian Motorway Sticker Types 2024