Smart vignette

The regional vignette is convenient for certain motorists as it can reduce costs. It is especially useful for those who have used toll-free highway sections before and have not had an 1 year vignette. The regional vignette can mitigate the costs for the new toll sections. It affects the majority of people driving in the city from the commuter belt, so the regional vignette is especially recommended to these motorists. It may also be advantageous for those who drive shorter distances within a specific Region. The regional vignettes also have the benefit of year-long validity.

What is the difference between a fixed-time highway vignette and a regional vignette?

The regional vignette is valid for all toll roads within a specific Region for an entire calendar year. The previous vignettes were suitable for use on all national highways during their validity period (e.g. the 10-day vignette); whereas the new regional vignettes (confined to a specific region) are valid for an entire calendar year. This results in a more proportionate fee system and represents a more accurate reflection of use trends. 
The vignette without time or regional restriction is the 1 year vignette; with all of its benefits, drawbacks and cost.

How to save money by planning vignette purchase?

Consider buying a vignette for the entire year in terms of three basic combinations, and one combined vignette.


As in previous years, 10-day and 1 month vignettes should be suitable when more route flexibility is necessary. If a Customer’s travel routes remain similar year to year, 1 year travel costs should remain unchanged. However if the 1 year vignette cost exceeds HUF 30-35,000 in a given year, consider purchasing an 1 year vignette. Although the 1 year vignette is HUF 8-10,000 more expensive, it may well be worth the convenience. See the 1 year vignette.

Buying a regional vignette. If the route and the counties to travel through are known, the total cost of the 1 year vignettes can be calculated. Only if the cost is lower than the amount paid for the vignettes should a regional vignette(s) be purchased. Please note that purchasing regional vignettes is only necessary once annually because they are valid for an entire year.

Buying an 1 year vignette . If the total cost of buying various traditional vignettes within a year exceeds HUF 30-35,000, consider purchasing an 1 year vignette. As such, purchasing an 1 year vignette negates the need to alter plans in an effort to create more economical travel routes. It is hard to measure this convenience in cost alone.

Combining a regional vignette with a 10-day vignette.This is recommended for those who usually travel within a single Region but occasionally travel longer distances outside the Region. These Customers are typically residents in a given Region or originate their travel from a single Region.

Checking the vehicle category

Please confirm that the chosen vehicle category conforms to the indication on the vehicle registration certificate.

For more details see: Checking the vehicle category and price
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