Toll road network 2024
As of 1 January 2024, under ITM Decree 45/2020 (28.XI.), new road sections have been added to the list of toll roads, so in addition to the existing ones, the following road sections are also subject to tolls:
- the entire M0 motorway
- the M44 from the Lakitelek/Tiszakécske junction to the Tiszaüg/Tiszakürt junction
- the M44 from the Szolnok/Martfű/Kunszentmárton junction to the Békéscsaba-Gyula/Debrecen-Szeged junction
- the M4 from the Abony-East/Szolnok-West junction to the Törökszentmiklós-West/Szajol junction
- the M44 from the Lakitelek/Tiszakécske junction to the Szarvas/Szentes junction
- the section of the M30 between Miskolc north and Miskolc south
- the M31 from the Nagytarcsai junction to the M3-M31 junction
- the M76 from the Balatonszentgyörgy/Balatonberény junction to the Keszthely-Fenékpuszta junction
This means that in 2024, two more counties will be added to the list of toll roads: Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok and Békés counties.
Detailed toll roads by county 2024
Bács-Kiskun Region
Baranya Region
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén Region
Csongrád Region
Fejér Region
Győr-Moson-Sopron Region
Hajdú-Bihar Region
Heves Region
Komárom-Esztergom Region
Pest Region
Somogy Region
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Region
Tolna Region
Vas Region
Veszprém Region
Zala Region