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The daily highway vignette is already available in Hungary too!

From 1. April it is also available in Hungary, so you can buy the one-day highway vignette on, which provides a convenient solution when travelling through the country. Let's check what you need to know about the Hungarian one-day highway vignette.


How much does the one-day vignette cost?  

The one-day vignette’s price in category D1 costs HUF 5,150, while in category D2, it costs HUF 7,310. This price is the maximum price determined by the European Union, which may be max. 9% compared to the annual vignette’s price, thus the pricing has also been made on this basis.  

    National County
E-vignette price category Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly  
D1 5 150 Ft  6 400 Ft  10 360 Ft  57 260 Ft  6 660 Ft 
D1m 2 570 Ft 3 200 Ft  5 180 Ft  57 260 Ft  6 660 Ft 
D2 7 310 Ft  9 310 Ft  14 670 Ft  81 280 Ft  13 330 Ft 
U 5 150 Ft  6 400 Ft  10 360 Ft  57 260 Ft  6 660 Ft 


How long is it valid and when it is worth to buy one-day vignette in Hungary?   

The Hungarian daily highway vignette authorises the holder to use all toll roads in Hungary from 0:00 to 24:00 on the calendar day indicated by the purchaser, and therefore authorises the holder to use the toll road on the actual day. This means that if you need to use any of the highways twice during your journey on two consecutive days, it is no longer worth buying two one-day vignettes, but it is a more economic option to buy a weekly (10-day) e-vignette for HUF 6,400. However, if you are just driving through the country, it is a convenient way to drive in Hungary.   


One-day vignette in Europe  

The EU regulation has led to the introduction of a one-day highway allowance in several European countries, at the price of CZK 200 for cars using normal fuel in the Czech Republic, €8.60 in Austria and €2.5 in Romania. Based on these figures, Hungary currently has the highest one-day vignette price.